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Pre-Graduate School Advising Program

With the goal of encouraging talented undergraduate students to apply for the graduate school, the Department of History introduced the “Pre-Graduate School Advising Program” in 2006. Those undergraduate students are assigned with tutors who will teach the basic skills necessary for graduate students of history and work with their students until they enter the graduate school.


The pre-graduate program provides those undergraduate students with an opportunity to attend seminars about Korean, Asian, and Western histories. Advanced doctoral students lead the seminars while considering the interests and needs of each undergraduate student. Students in the pre-graduate program can also participate in language seminars on classical Chinese, modern Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, French, and English. The Department may support them financially to buy the required books.


Since 2006, many talented undergraduate students have used the pre-graduate program to successfully enter the graduate school of history. They have been very satisfied with the program. These students have been observed outperforming other graduate students upon entering the graduate school.